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  • Calvary Chapel church

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Total reviews rating 4.8

199 Reviews for Calvary Chapel Golden Springs 2024:

Review №1

2024-06-23 19:07:01

So blessed and honored to have been able to attend service with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you Jesus for all the beautiful things that you have done for me.

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Review №2

2024-04-04 21:22:45

I didnt know there was an age restriction for the main sanctuary. The lady at the door abruptly stopped me at the door and asked me how old my daughter was. She said they dont let kids in under 8 years old.. My daughter was able to come in because she was old enough. I understand it can be disruptive if theres babies crying mid-service, but school-aged kids should be allowed to sit with their parents during the service if they do not want to be put in childrens ministry for whatever reason. I dont understand the rule of not allowing any children under the age of 8 to not be allowed in the main sanctuary. Jesus said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these. (Matthew 19:14)

Review №3

2023-12-21 08:27:14

❤️ Memories!! Many yers ago, In the the 70s, a few of my HS friends, Jim Hodge, Jeff Savage, Michelle Costello, Steve Grimes, Steve Coffee and I accepted our Lord & Saviour Yeshua (Jesus) The Christ into our hearts and lives along with many other young people, at a karate studio transformed into a Church! It was located in a small strip mall in West Covina California. They later named the Church Calvary Chapel. The Karate Teacher became our Pastor. He was a dynamic, spirit filled, Chicano Street fighting fellow named Raul Ries! This was during a period in time that later became known as the Jesus Movement!! We were arge groups of young people, some of us with our long-hair, little beards, leather bound covered Bibles wearing our IXOYE fish penants on a string necklace!! We shouted and sang praises of Maranatha, One Way pointing to the heavens!! Some of us were musicians, desiring toexpress our new-foundfaith through music!! One such group created aband and called it Love Song!! Along with others like Larry Norman, Randy Stonehill, Daniel Amos we defined a time in history of faith from an open, honest heart, and a deep commitment of love for God our Father through Yeshua (Jesus) the Christ and each other!!

Review №4

2024-04-24 17:12:15

An Excessively Manipulative; Gang Ministry org.; Bible usage for Personal gains; Hostile Abusive ministry, which Imposes Belief based Conversations on Others; then is motivated to Physically Oppress any person that opposes Self designated Authoritives, perspective! As the Deciever that Insists to Always be Leader of Others, regardless; Even if you catch them of doing their own wrongs; Then, Doing Everything to Hide its Exposure, to Others; Which can compromise their Finances or Job Position! Using Biblical Scriptures, Always revolving towards their Personal Agendas of Gains, Advancements & Sales of their Products! Assisted by UnMoral, Cunning, Criminal Cops; that Target people; to Oppress & Sneakfully instigate trouble; People, God actually sends Morally Riteouse to inform them to change their Life!☆All 4 Gospels Teach, that Jesus is Against Sales in the Church! Jesus Over throws Tables of Money changers,....!● Since 1980s; Their Ministry, Gradually Developed into, a Misuse of Biblical scriptures; minimally 60% Anxiety-driven; of Excessive Babbling Commentarys; for Degradation of All Other Ministries; (often in their Sermons). Then Seeing Many Calvary Chapel members; produced as; Sneakfully Maliciouse Oppressors, Cunning; Falsifying Riteouse based intentions. Arrogant; Hostile, Aggressive, Leaders of the Faith; that IMPOSE upon Others, for Belief system confontrational conversations; QUESTIONING Others; driven of what that Church member, studied! Then, Demanding Others To ANSWER; in acceptance of the Questioners Narrow perspective, To be accepted as; Authoritively above all Others; otherwise Degradation or Physical Aggressive actions, Will be imposed on Victims!• History; Originally from West Covina church location;● Raul Reese = the Prophetic Scripture;He Whom dips his Hands into the Bowl, When I (Jesus) dip mine, He is the one, Whom will betray me!☆Jesus taught; You Shall know them by their fruits.☆● Dale (an disciple of Raul Reese); Used to be a Casual, Quiet guy, appeared naturally Humble, Normal looking; of the 70s-80s Just One of the Guys Bosom Buddy era. A Duration afterwards; I Was EXTREMELY SURPRISED, How DALE; the eventual, Pastor, developed into; acting Contaminated of Raul Reeses Ministry; Perspective & Agendas.Various, Foriegn-spirits, instilled into Dales-soul; of Aggressive, Hostility, Paranoa & Predator; Anxiously driven to Impose upon, Hungry to Consume Others (types of Spirits in Dale)! A driven Paranoa & Facial Countenance that fears; What Others are doing; which can Compromise their Ministry Finances & Job!● HE WAS ORIGINALLY, NOTHING OF THAT ANIMALISTIC Person, Many Years before! That was an Tremendous Loss, to see, what Their Pastor Dale (Former Casual Good guy) eventually became!● They Designate themselves as Leaders; Jesse; Created a Gang-member approach of the Church staff members; caught of Anxiety, speaking LowLife mutterings. When proven wrong; Jesse, often Calling for Backup, to assist him Against another whom opposed Jesses Failed debate; Even while opposition had Legitimate; Proofs, Experiance; including Morally Riteouse Authority; Against what Jesse, initially caused of conversation.*NOTE Since the Beginning, If God is All-knowing, Then God doesnt Grow; in Wisdom & Stature as Jesus did! Proof that God Supercedes authority Above his Son, Jesus; as Jesus is Part of his Father; God = Jesus Source of life! Jesus prayed to His Source of Life A Seperate being; God! But Aggressor Jesse, insists to Always be Leader of conversations; Even though Prooven wrong; intimidated by becoming Un-intellectually inclined for debate.Calvary; A Living infection, to Gods Actual Dedicated Ministry! Theyre Native Americans Personal agendas; of Confronting Others; for Attempt of Lowering & Controlling; for their org.s Business For Profit, Gains; at the Cost of Others; Labored Efforts & Expenses!

Review №5

2022-11-13 21:35:12

This church speaks the Word of God book by book, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse. The Holy Spirit is in the worship to prepare the hearts of those who attend. The Bible School is an extention to already great teaching and all the ministries throughout the church have a blessing for everyone. What a great place to get plugged in if your are looking for a place to fellowship and worship our amazing God!

Review №6

2016-12-18 20:36:00

Pastor Raul is a gr8 teacher of the Word, down to earth, wonderful supporting staff always willing to help you with any questions or prayer. LOVE MY CHURCH!!!

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Review №7

2022-09-18 20:40:53

Thank you all for always being there to teach us, and to pray for us. Now I live far away but Thanks to the church being on line I still get to see and listen, I do miss everyone but I am blessed to be able to watch any time I want.Thanks everyone who serves to keep things going in the church and my Pastors who are there for us all the time.May God bless you all. love always Terri

Review №8

2021-09-14 06:22:02

Awesome worship!! Awesome sermon!! Great teaching from the Bible.

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Review №9

2023-05-07 18:43:11

Sad when people attack this church with wild accusations. Please read all the reviews and go see Raul preach. Im old school pastor Raul. Taught us the Word back in West Covina. Thanks for your dedication Raul. May God use this church to call his children home.

Review №10

2022-10-23 13:20:06

Best Pastors Raul Ries & YA Leader who preaches the Word of God. There are churches out there preach feelings about the Bible. This church speaks Word of God and gives me goosebumps sometimes. Good to see a church hyping up Jesus.